The working title for our book is Anemoia:
It's about a girl named Renna who gets whisked away to a group named Bane, though she has no clue who it is or what they do. The story then details her time there and how Reluvethel, her childhood friend, finds an unlikely helper to get her back home to her mother, Amedee, and brother, Braern.
- Large coast with many beaches
- Heavily forested inland
- Relatively flat terrain
- Follows the same general pantheon as other regions
- Minor changes
- A few minor gods' difference
- General officials
- Hereditary positions
- Each city has its own official
- Council in charge of the region
- Oversee different areas based on position
Social Life/Expectations:
- Common:
- Base language of Xolan
- Many dialects have evolved and help serve as borders between counties and even cities