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My Characters !!
Characters (and Name Pronunciation):
Renna Deianeria Adwynn:
- (REN-na day-AN-air-ia AD-win)
- Family:
- Mother: Amedee Oenone Adwynn
- Father (belated): Almon Adwynn
- Brother: Braern Hildr Adwynn
- (bray-URN hill-der AD-win)
- Character Playlist
Reluvethel Maia Xilphine:
- (RE-loo-ve-thi-l my-YA ZIL-fine)
- Family:
- Mother: Elanil Medb Xilphine
- (el-A-nil med-EB Zil-fine)
- Father: Jaonos Xilphine
- Sister: Lusha Brigh Xilphine
- Sister: Aila Theia Xilphine
- Aunt: Lyrei Amaterasu Phirora
- (lay-rei am-A-tear-a-sue fee-roar-a)
- Character Playlist
Merope Eudora Ellana:
Nakiasha Nephele Ianxalim:
Aglaea Melita Magyra:
- (AG-lay-A me-LI-ta ma-gear-a)
- Family:
Gods, Goddesses, & What They Do:
- (uhm-is)
- Goddess of the Underworld
- Mother of medicine, curses, and healing, each corresponding to one of her three daughters
- Children:
- Timoros (curses)
- Nota (healing)
- Meraki (medicine)
- (ti-MO-ros)
- Eldest daughter of Umis
- Goddess of curses and herbal magic
- Symbols:
- (note-ah)
- Middle daughter of Umis
- Goddess of Healing
- Symbols:
- Medical tools
- Green, Purple
- (may-rah-kee)
- Youngest daughter of Umis
- Goddess of herbal healing and medicine
- Nymph-like goddess of herbs
- Often depicted with a group of nymphs
- Symbols:
- A small bundle of herbs
- Moly
- Lavender
- Yarrow
- Sage
- Etc.
- Moly
- Butterflies, specifically in blue and green
- Blue, Green
- Character Playlist
- (A-dees)
- God of Forgiveness
- Symbols:
- (my-ril)
- Goddess of the Moon
- Different form representing each phase of the moon
- When disguised as a common person, eyes typically reflect the current moon phase
- Symbols:
- ()
- Goddess of the Hunt
- Typically depicted alone or with (shadow creature with a giant deer skull for a head, courtesy of a friend)
- Symbols:
- Bow and Arrow along with other hunting equipment, such as daggers